

今日のMcKinsey Quarterly でアジアの金融市場について触れられている。


A preference for local institutions
  • Almost 81 percent of consumers in emerging Asian markets and 63 percent of consumers in developed Asian markets consider it important to deal with a local institution.(…) The preference for banking with local institutions is especially pronounced in the upper-mass-market and mass-affluent segments across Asia.3
  • We speculate that these changes reflect Asian consumers’ anxiety over the safety of foreign banks in the aftermath of the financial crisis. So multinationals face a clear challenge in repositioning their brands: they will need to invest in much deeper localization of products, services, and the overall customer experience. One way to do so is to shift from a reliance on expatriate managers and embrace local professionals, who should be better able to develop and execute a more relevant frontline, customer-centric model.


Lost loyalty
  • Despite high satisfaction levels, banks across Asia have seen a dramatic drop in customer loyalty since the 2008 crisis, with an average fall of 11 percentage points since 2007. In China, the percentage of respondents who said they “would recommend their financial institution to a friend or colleague” declined from 57 percent in 2007 to 47 percent in 2011. The Philippines (72 percent) and Thailand (71 percent) had the highest loyalty levels, while Japan is the least loyal market in Asia (13 percent).



  • An immediate outcome of this reduced loyalty is a marked increase in the number of banking relationships across pan Asia—up by 22 percent, from 2.7 in 2007 to 3.3 in 2011. In some segments, the increase was even higher: mass-affluent customers in developed Asian markets reported having 4.7 banking relationships in 2011, compared with 3.6 in 2007.

このロイヤリティの低下によってより多くの金融機関と関係を持つようになってきているようだ。 さきの調査で日本はロイヤリティに関しては最低のランクだった訳だが、これを反映してい多数の金融機関を使い分けていたりする事実はあるだろうか。あまりイメージはない。

  • Paradoxically, even as Asian consumers engage with a broader variety of financial institutions, they say they would still like to consolidate their banking relationships. The proportion of respondents who agreed that they would “prefer to deal with one financial institution for all of their needs” jumped in China from 41 percent in 2007 to 58 percent in 2011 and in Hong Kong from 47 percent in 2007 to 53 percent in 2011. The result suggests there is a big opportunity for banks that can develop a compelling offer.



Much more cautious about borrowing
  • Consumers across Asia say they are far more reluctant to borrow since the onset of the global financial crisis. The number of respondents across Asia who agree that “borrowing is always risky” jumped to 70 percent in 2011, a 27 percentage-point increase from the 43 percent of consumers who agreed with this statement in 2007.
  • In several major markets, the increase in the number of respondents who agreed that borrowing is always risky was even more striking: it more than doubled in China (from 39 percent in 2007 to 84 percent in 2011) and in Hong Kong (to 69 percent), and doubled in Taiwan (to 60 percent). From the perspective of credit products, despite the relative aversion to borrowing, the high-growth economies of developing Asia will continue to offer opportunities for consumer finance, especially mortgages and automobile loans.

一方、借入意欲が冷え込んでいるとは言え成長著しい地域であるため、mortageやautomoble loanに関しては依然として市場性があるとの事だ。

Arrival of new channels
  • Asian consumers are being weaned from brick-and-mortar branches: for the first time since McKinsey began conducting the survey, 13 years ago, bank branch usage has dropped, plunging by 27 percent on average across Asia between 2007 and 2011.
  • This drop has been matched by an uptick in Internet and mobile banking, a trend particularly pronounced in developed Asian markets, such as Hong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan. 


  • To win in the multichannel environment, players need to identify what role each channel will play, given technology trends and shifts in user behavior. 

そのため、それぞれのチャネルに対して顧客が何を求めているのかにより一層の注意が必要となってくる。 かつウェブを介したサービスのトレンドの変化は速いのでこれに適切にかつ迅速に対応し続けなくてはならない。



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